Gender Intelligence, Defined

Gender intelligence involves looking at the intrinsic differences between men and women, and rather than seeing them as a problem, seeing opportunities to work together harmoniously. Taking time to understand the opposite sex and what drives or deters them is key both in personal and professional environments. 

What is gender intelligence?

Gender Intelligence is an awareness of the intrinsic nature of men and women and the ability to be understanding and appreciative of these differences. It is also about gaining an appreciation of the masculine and feminine side in all of us. 

Gender intelligence in your personal life

Couples fight. Moms and sons fight. Brothers and sisters fight. The downward spiral of communication begins when we assume others are just misbehaving or choosing to be difficult. We need to remember the word “opposite” in the term opposite sex. In many ways, we have opposite ways of approaching situations, and this fact often leads to frustration and misunderstandings. Learning how to effectively communicate with the opposite sex is the key to getting more of what you want, be it connection, romance, spontaneity, care or attention. 

Gender intelligence in your work life

Employees leave companies because of relationships. That is a fact. Whether with supervisors or peers, relationships are the number one cause of both happiness and dissatisfaction in the workplace. Negative relationships caused from lack of understanding each other can create tension, lack of listening, impatience, and cycles of objectification and emasculation. 

Gender intelligence and workplace goals

Hiring a new employee is far more expensive than making the effort to keep a current employee happy. When your sales team is able to successfully adapt to any situation or dynamic, you experience more sales. When a company becomes known as a “happy place to work,” you attract top talent. Gender intelligence at the office supports a healthy culture and empowers your team to reach your business goals. 

Where do you begin?

It starts with being willing and open to seeing an alternate perspective, whether you agree with it or not. Ask yourself, “what if there was another way of looking at this?” Many companies spend mountains of money on “team building” and completely miss the systemic issues that people just aren’t humanizing or respecting each other.

Leaders need to create a safe space to start the conversation and be willing to hear the full reality of what is going on under the surface. After the initial conversation, they then need to encourage a system of peer monitoring. This is totally possible once we come from a place of compassion and understanding for the opposite sex. We can either settle for sub-par relationships or  take them to the next level for the benefit of both our personal and professional lives.